Household Hazardous Waste


Corrosive, flammable, reactive or toxic products, found in most homes, garages & workshops, are considered Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). These products pose risks if used, stored or disposed of improperly.

Proper care is essential when dealing with Household Hazardous Waste.

Alpha Ridge Landfill

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Resumes April 2

Saturdays ONLY (April through November) from 8am to 4pm at the Alpha Ridge Landfill located at 2350 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, Maryland 21104. Residents using the HHW program are required to show their drivers licenses as proof of residence in Howard County.

BasicsTitleWhen are HHW Days?Content

Household Hazardous Waste

Saturdays ONLY (April through November) from 8am to 4pm at the Alpha Ridge Landfill located at 2350 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, Maryland 21104.

Residents using the HHW program are required to show their drivers licenses as proof of residence in Howard County.

TitleYES we accept the following Items:Content
All Purpose CleanerGasolinePhotography Chemicals
Batteries (rechargeable)HerbicidesRug Cleaners
Bathroom CleanersKeroseneRust Removers
Brake FluidsMetal PolishScouring Powders
CFL bulbs and tubesMildew RemoversSolvents
DegreasersNail Polish RemoverSpot Removers
Drain CleanersOven CleanersSwimming Pool Chemicals
Finishing StrippersPaint*Transmission Fluids
Furniture Polish & WaxPaint ThinnersUpholstery Cleaners
FungicidesPesticidesWood Preservatives

* Usable latex paint that is collected at the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be donated to local non-profit organizations. Call 410-313-6444 if your organization wishes to receive donated paint.

TitleNO we do not accept the following items:Content
Ammunition*DioxinKepones (an insecticide)
AsbestosExplosives**Medical waste*
Commercial wasteFireworks**PCB's
Industrial wasteRadioactive materials***

* Visit our Know Before You Throw webpage for how to dispose of these items.

** For explosives and fireworks, call the State Fire Marshall Office of Bomb Squad (Monday - Friday, 8am to 4pm) at 410-859-7152.

*** For radioactive materials, call the State of Maryland, Department of the Environment, Office of Radiological Health at 410-537-3300.

Go to Know Before You Throw TitleHow to Prepare HHWContent TitleDrop-off Area GuidelinesContent

When arriving at the Residents' Convenience Area, you will be directed to the HHW drop off area and asked to move your items to one of the analyzing tables.

On-site chemists will examine the materials. They may ask for your help in identifying any unlabeled materials that you have brought. Based on their analysis, they will determine the proper packaging for transport and disposal of the hazardous materials.

Be a Responsible ConsumerTitleBuy ResponsiblyContentDownload a guide to Detox your Home TitleUse ResponsiblyContent TitleStore ProperlyContent TitleDispose ProperlyContent

Hazardous Materials in the Work Place

The EPA's Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR) announced the availability of an updated version of "Managing Your Waste: A Guide For Small Businesses."

Download the guide

This guide provides an overview of the federal hazardous waste regulations to give small business owners and operators a basic understanding of their hazardous waste management responsibilities. It answers questions like “Do hazardous waste regulations apply to me?” “How do I know which generator category I am?” and “What kinds of requirements do I have to follow?” This handbook will help small businesses get on the road to proper hazardous waste management, a critical step in protecting human health and the environment.

Download Our Guides

Landfill GuideView PDFLandfill Guide (Spanish)View PDFLandfill Guide (Korean)View PDFHousehold Hazardous Waste FlierView PDFTagsEnvironment Trash & Recycling