The 10 Most Common Household Toxins To Avoid While Pregnant
When we get pregnant, we're routinely told to skip alcohol so our kids aren't born with fetal alcohol syndrome, and to stop smoking to reduce the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
But give up nail polish? Nix air freshener? Forego plastic water bottles? The chemicals in these everyday products can be just as toxic to our developing babies as cigarettes or booze, research from the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) shows. That's because the chemicals a pregnant woman is exposed to get into her blood stream and can pass right through the placenta to the developing fetus. Such fetal exposure to toxins during critical stages of development can cause permanent and irreversible brain and organ damage, not just at birth but even decades later.
EWG's research identified 232 industrial compounds and pollutants babies could be born with. Some of these are so prevalent in our soil or water they can be almost impossible to avoid. But others—especially those found in items as common as shampoo and house paint—are easier to sidestep, once you know what to look for. Here are 10 you can easily protect yourself and your baby from.