Elden Ring: How to find the Malenia, Blade of Miquella secret boss

Continue onwards, traveling northwest through Elphael's streets and pathways. Eventually, you'll come an Erdtree Guardian and two Elphael Knights guarding a large doorway. You can either kill them or run past them; either way, get past them to find the Elphael Inner Wall Site of Grace. Continue through the nearby door, heading southeast until you run into a small Scarlet Rot poison swamp.

Elden Ring: How to find the Malenia, Blade of Miquella secret boss

From here, keep moving southeast through the swamp until you reach its exit. Soon after, you'll come across an elevator; take the elevator down and move through the room with the large red flower. In the next room, you'll find a Site of Grace and the door that leads to Malenia's boss fight.

Elden Ring is finally here, and it's available for $60 on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC. It's one of the best Xbox games you can play right now if you're a fan of challenging RPGs, and we strongly recommend it.